Annabel Lee/Cum Cyborg

@CumCyborg @cum__cyborg cum__cyborg Covered nature of purple lightsDance the glow on the basin of timeand invent a different chronologyThere the disguise of riftssuspends its courseEyes magnetizing wonderAn elusive geometry that unfoldsits fires and paint the vital with joyCyborg on the runwith chips of vast landscapes

Annabel Lee: mi arte siendo apreciado, para mí significa el mundo en verdad

Annabel Lee es una artista para adultos y una creadora de contenido. Estudió y consiguió un Diploma Nacional en Drama. He trabajado tantas cosas de ser una barista y administrar una sala de té, a trabajar en librerías hasta trabajar en la oficina central para una empresa de calzado líder y, obviamente, ahora en laSigue leyendo «Annabel Lee: mi arte siendo apreciado, para mí significa el mundo en verdad«

Annabel Lee: my art being appreciated, really means the world to me

Annabel Lee is an adult performer and content creator. She studied and got a National Diploma in Drama. I have worked as many things from being a barmaid and running tea room, to working in bookshops and working in Head office for a leading shoe company and obviously now adult performing, haha. 🙂  She’s aSigue leyendo «Annabel Lee: my art being appreciated, really means the world to me«

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